Eating less in summer has always been easier thanks to the hotter weather making greasy, carb-heavy food seem less attractive, but we thought we’ make it even easier for you by giving you some excellent super simple salad recipes to enjoy this summer. Take a look at these.
1 – Strawberry and walnut salad

This recipe couldn’t be easier. Simply toss a few spinach leaves in with some fresh local strawberries, a few walnuts, poppy seeds, and a splash of fresh orange juice for taste. Sounds simple, right? but it’s oh so effective as a sweet summer treat on a warm afternoon. Not only this, it’s filled with antioxidants and heart-healthy fats.
2 – Greek salad

This recipe is so tasty, it doesn’t really seem like it should be good for you. But it is!
All you’ll need are some vine-ripened tomatoes, half a cucumber, half a red onion, a handful of your favorite type of olives, a teaspoon of oregano, a few cubes of feta cheese and a splash of olive oil. Chop it all up, mix it all together, and you’ve got a delicious salad ready to take to work with you.
Feel free to add lettuce, peppers, or other veggies to suit your tastebuds too, if you like.
3 – Super simple egg and chicken salad

This one is an obvious choice if you find that salads don’t keep you full for very long. The added protein in this salad will keep you satisfied for several hours. Pick your favorite selection of salad leaves, add some freshly chopped vine tomatoes, one or two hard boiled eggs, some grilled chicken and a splash of apple cider vinegar or olive oil as a dressing. Delicious!
Salad doesn’t have to be boring
If you’re looking for a nutritiously balanced lunch which isn’t too stodgy to enjoy even in the summer months, you can’t go far wrong with a good tasty salad. Packed with vitamins, minerals, healthy protein and plenty of fiber, these salads make the perfect packed lunch for all the family – and they’re low in calories too!