Things you’ll learn in this blog
Summer is upon us again, and it’s fair to say that not all of us feel beach-ready. Whether we’ve been neglecting that gym membership or tempted by sweet, delicious treats that may have caused us to gain a few extra pounds, we might not want to try on our swimsuits just now.
We want to look good and be confident in our bodies, but we don’t feel comfortable enough to parade around in skimpy clothes.
Most of us have issues with our bodies, whether it’s to do with weight, height, or shape and how we perceive ourselves can seriously affect our mental health and wellbeing.
But it’s important to feel comfortable in our bodies during summer or any other time of the year - so how do we do that?
Why is body confidence important?
Low body confidence usually stems from a perceived idea about how we should look based on those we see as having the ideal body shape. Social media doesn’t help, as we only tend to view pictures of those showing the best version of themselves, aided by the best filters money can buy.
How we feel about our bodies and how we perceive a healthy body image can directly affect the quality of our life, so we must get our mindset into shape and be comfortable with who we are.
Those with a positive body image have higher self-esteem.
So how can we enjoy a happier relationship with our body?
How to feel body confident (tips for more confidence no matter your size).
The first thing to remind yourself is that you’re not alone when struggling with your body image. If anyone out there thinks they have the perfect body and wouldn’t change a thing, I haven’t met them.
It’s not your body that needs to change; it’s the negative thinking. It’s time to stop the toxic cycle of self-talk and prioritize self-love.
A deeper and more positive connection with your body will give you tremendous well-being and considerably boost your self-confidence.

Learn to appreciate your body.
You have a fantastic body- fact! Your body can do amazing things, and it should never be undermined.
The problem we tend to have is that we often compare ourselves to others. What’s important to remember is that everyone is different; we are all unique.
You may want smaller “this” or larger “that,” but you know what- so does everyone else. Appreciate and respect your body for being both unique and incredible.
Show off your favorite bits.
There may be parts of your body you dislike, but there are undoubtedly parts that you love. A good idea is to wear clothes that accentuate your best features.
You don’t like your arms, but you think you’ve got great legs? Then show them off! It’s the classic case of thinking that your glass is half full rather than half empty- accentuating the positives.
Learn to love yourself.
Beauty shines from within, so build up your inner glow, radiate and practice self-care. There’s more to you than just your appearance, so remember all the positive things you like about yourself.
Sometimes it can help to make a list of all the things you feel good about and remind yourself occasionally. Being confident and optimistic about who you are will go a long way to alleviating your doubts about your body image.
Don’t be so hard on yourself.
If you have issues with your body, your opinion of it won’t change overnight. A gradual shift is required to get you moving in the right direction. It helps to have a friend or family member give you a list of all your best qualities and maybe even list the things they envy about you. It will provide you with some perspective on how trivial some things are. Whether the changes you wish to make are in the mind or body, don’t criticize yourself for what you dislike. It’s only your opinion; others may have the opposite view. Be nice to yourself; you’re unique, after all.
Pamper yourself.
There’s nothing wrong with treating yourself to a pampering session now and then. Self-care is vitally important to gain self-confidence, as it can leave you feeling invigorated and uplifted. Whether you’re getting your hair, nails done or a relaxing massage, you’ll probably feel much better. Pampering is the perfect pick-me-up if you’re having self-doubts about your body image.
Think positively.
Negative self-talk is a vicious cycle and has adverse effects on your mental health. Instead of criticizing yourself, turn the thought around and turn it into a positive. For example, if you’re unhappy about the shape or size of your legs, remind yourself of what you like and focus less on criticizing yourself.
You could also start a new hobby that involves using your legs more, such as running or cycling. In doing so, you’ll appreciate your legs a great deal more, and you’ll feel much more confident as a result. The less time you dedicate to negative thoughts, the better. Remember, they’re your opinion, and others might think very differently.
Be yourself.
One of the most satisfying feelings is being happy in your skin. Learn to love what you like most about yourself, not just the physical aspects. Love your accomplishments and your personality, and stop worrying about what others think. Focus on how you want to feel rather than how you look and be the best version of yourself.
Change to a healthier lifestyle.
When discussing getting a healthier and more attractive body, we tend to think of it as too much hard work. Ditching all the food we enjoy eating and sweating it out at the gym doesn’t sound like fun, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Small lifestyle changes can make a huge difference mentally and physically.
All you need is a slight nudge in the right direction to get things moving; whether it’s taking up a new hobby that prioritizes your health or swapping the high-sugary treats for healthier snacks, a little can go a long way.
Make sure you take time each day to do at least 20 minutes of physical exercise, even if it’s just taking the dog to work. Getting your body moving is essential to increase] the endorphins in your system, which are associated with feeling happy and confident.
How to be confident in your body.
Feeling body confident and being happy in our own skin comes from within, so it’s essential to focus on your mental and physical health. You can build body confidence and improve low self-esteem by concentrating on positive thoughts rather than negative words. Focus on how you feel rather than how you look, and try to let go of negative thoughts as much as possible.
Confidence isn’t inbuilt- it comes from practice over time. Physical exercise and a healthy diet should be an essential part of your plan to feel body confident, but that doesn’t mean massive changes in your lifestyle, just a step in the right direction. Focus on the things you love about your body and personality, and be a little kinder to yourself.
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