Many diet pills on the market claim to promote weight loss, and they are certainly not one-size-fits-all.
Diet and exercise are key to losing weight, but if we can speed things along with a weight loss pill, so much the better. But what works for some might not work for others, and as with any weight loss journey, your health should be your top priority.
Of course, there is also a huge difference between diet pills on the market, with over-the-counter and prescription pills offering different benefits and side effects.
One such pill that PhenQ is often compared to is Orlistat - but are they the same thing or different?
You might expect that we’d say PhenQ was the best, and of course, we know that it can have some amazing results, with testimonials to prove it. But we know that choosing a weight loss pill is personal, and we want to ensure that you are comfortable and confident in your choice.
In this article, we compare PhenQ to the different types of Orlistat to help you decide which is best for you.
What is Orlistat?
Orlistat is the generic name for a medication used to help increase weight loss and maintain that weight loss in people who are overweight or obese. It works by blocking approximately a quarter of the fat in your diet from being absorbed through the gut. However, it must be combined with a healthy diet, low-calorie diet and regular exercise to be effective.
You are also advised to take a multivitamin supplement because the pill can reduce the amount of vitamins you usually absorb from your nutritional intake.
Orlistat is available in multiple forms, including Xenical, a higher-dose prescription version, and a lower-strength over-the-counter version, Alli.
Xenical is aimed at adults with a BMI of over 30 or those with a BMI of over 27 if they have other risk factors such as hypertension or diabetes.
Alli weight loss pills are approximately half the strength of Xenical, at 60mg, and is widely available in the US to treat obesity.
What is PhenQ?
PhenQ is a weight loss pill that combines a unique blend of ingredients and scientifically proven ingredients that provide superior fat-busting results.
PhenQ targets your weight in five different ways-
- Burns Fat: PhenQ speeds up fat-burning by boosting your body’s metabolic and thermogenic rates.
- Stops fat production: PhenQ contains ingredients that help stop the production of new fat, meaning you won’t need to worry about gaining weight.
- Surpasses your appetite: PhenQ makes calorie-cutting easy by curbing your appetite and making over-eating and hunger cravings a thing of the past.
- Boosts your energy: PhenQ contains a powerful blend of energy-boosting ingredients designed to stop the energy dips caused by dieting.
- Improves your mood: Cutting calories can leave you feeling cranky, but PhenQ’s gentle mood-enhancing properties ensure dieting won’t take its toll on your temper.
Again, PhenQ has to be taken in conjunction with a healthy diet and a regular exercise plan in order to be effective.
Related content: PhenQ new and improved formula: everything you need to know
PhenQ vs. Orlistat: do you need a prescription?
When it comes to weight loss pills, there are two camps: prescription and over-the-counter.
This impacts how you get your hands on the weight loss pills, as well as how you take them and the potential side effects.
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PhenQ: Do you need a prescription?
No prescription is required with PhenQ as the ingredients are all-natural. You can buy them directly online at PhenQ without all the hassle, restrictions and side effects of Orlistat and other prescription and over-the-counter drugs.
Orlistat: Do you need a prescription?
Whether or not you need a prescription for Orlistat will depend on what type you go for, as there are varying strengths, some of which require a prescription and some that are over-the-counter.
Xenical is 120mg strength and is only available via prescription in the US for those with a BMI over 30 (or 27 in cases where there are comorbidities).
In comparison, Alli is widely available over the counter - although it should be taken as directed and again alongside healthy eating and regular exercise.

It is clinically proven to help you lose more weight than dieting alone.
PhenQ vs. Orlistat: what are the side effects?
Yes, you want to lose weight, but that doesn’t mean you want to do it at the expense of your health. You’re probably doing this for your health - so you want to avoid the side effects.
PhenQ: What are the side effects?
As PhenQ contains only natural ingredients, there are unlikely to be any side effects, and none have been reported.
Ps. This blog does not constitute professional health advice, and you should consult your Physician if you have any health concerns at all.
Orlistat: what are the side effects?
As Orlistat is a medicine, there are some side effects; these are generally more pronounced in Xenical but can also be present in Alli.
They are not necessarily serious or health-threatening side effects, but they are worth being aware of and raising with a health provider if they continue.
The most common side effects include:
- Diarrhea
- Fever and headaches
- Loss of appetite
- Vomiting
- Shivering
- Sweating
- Insomnia
- Itching
- Digestive side effects
- Joint pain
- Stiffness
Swelling and earache
Not everyone will experience side effects on Orlistat, but due to how it works (ie. minimizing absorption), bowel side effects are common - and why many people prefer weight loss solutions.
Less common side effects include blood in your urine, shortness of breath, difficult or painful urination, confusion, dramatic mood changes, an increased heart rate and severe abdominal pain. If you experience any more serious side effects, seek medical advice immediately.
You should not take Orlistat if you are pregnant or have any of the following issues: diabetes, an underactive thyroid, eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia, hyperoxaluria, kidney, gallbladder, or liver issues or malabsorption syndrome.
If you are in doubt, always check with your doctor before use.
Related content: The side effects of taking Orlistat for weight loss
PhenQ vs. Orlistat: how long can you take them?
Different medications have different shelf lives in terms of how long you can take them.
PhenQ: How long can you take them?
Unlike other weight loss pills with medical restrictions, PhenQ can be taken for as long as required. This is due to its all-natural ingredients, which have zero side effects.
Taken alongside a calorie-restricted diet means that you can decide how much weight you want to lose with no increased risk of any health issues.

Orlistat: How long can you take them?
Health services state that you should take it for a maximum of 6 months, and if you haven’t lost 5% of your body weight after 3 months, it’s recommended that you stop taking Orlistat as it’s unlikely to work for you.
PhenQ vs. Orlistat: which is more effective for weight loss?
You want to lose weight,
PhenQ: does it work?
PhenQ has helped almost 200,000 people lose weight, has no restrictions around time or health conditions, and has reported side effects. You can continue to use it until you reach your target weight.
You can check out the testimonials here.
It has a range of scientifically proven ingredients to help you lose weight and boost your metabolism, including α-Lacys Reset®, which helped people drop 7.24% more body fat in comparison to placebos and other ingredients, and a 3.44% drop in overall body weight.
Plus, the new PhenQ formula includes Innoslim, which is proven to boost fat-burning hormones that decrease the number of calories you absorb from carby foods.
In addition, PhenQ has a 60-day money-back guarantee, so you can get your investment back if it doesn’t work for you.
Orlistat: does it work?
So does Alli work?
Orlistat is what’s known as a ‘fat blocker’, and helps block the absorption of dietary fats, reducing your overall calorie intake. It works by blocking pancreatic lipase, which is the enzyme that breaks down triglycerides in the intestine.
However, it doesn’t block the absorption of all calories in your diet, which is why it’s still important to eat a calorie-controlled diet.
If you consume fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight - so it’s for this reason that Orlistat in the forms of Xenical and Alli work, but there are certain restrictions with both, such as a person’s medical conditions and potential side effects.
In addition, Alli and Xenical appear to work for some but not others. If you’ve not lost 5% of your body weight within 3 months, then you should stop taking it as it’s unlikely that either will work for you.
PhenQ vs. Orlistat: Pros & Cons
So, by this point, you’re probably thinking: “Which one is right for me?”
So let’s round up some of the pros and cons of both PhenQ and the multiple types of Orlistat.
PhenQ: The Pros
PhenQ is available online and ready to go at PhenQ with no hassle and no prescription or pharmacy restrictions. As it’s a natural product you can use it as long as possible, with little to no side effects and is safe to use.
It has scientifically proven ingredients that target weight loss on five different fronts and help you lose weight, and maintain it once you’ve reached your goals.
PhenQ: The Cons
There aren’t really many downsides to taking PhenQ however, you can only take it if you are over 18.
As PhenQ contains caffeine, those with a caffeine intolerance might want to avoid it, and pregnant women should check with their doctor before taking them.
Orlistat: The Pros
Whichever brand of Orlistat you purchase, they all work similarly, as they contain the same active ingredient.
According to research, using Orlistat in any form, in conjunction with a balanced diet and regular exercise can aid in weight loss. It’s designed to block around one-third of the fat ingested into your system, and it claims that around 45% of those using it are losing more than 5% in body weight.
Orlistat: The Cons
If you opt for Xenical (120mg) it’s only available on prescription, which means that you have to meet certain criteria, and may also be more expensive to obtain. In comparison, Alli is available over the counter, but only in half the dose, which means that it may not be as effective as Xenical.
You also have a time limit of three months on these medications, if they do not work in that time they’ll be unlikely to. Health professionals recommend that even if they do work you only take them for a maximum of six months - so you have a limited amount of time for them to be effective.
However, the main thing to consider with Orlistat is the side effects that have been reported, including diarrhea, fever and headaches, loss of appetite, vomiting, shivering and joint pain.
These are fairly common, however, there are more serious side effects including bladder pain and breathlessness that if you experience should be reported to a health professional immediately.
Needless to say, it’s essential to ask yourself whether or not you feel it’s worth the risks involved.
PhenQ vs. Orlistat: Which should you take for weight loss?
So, which one is right for you?
That will be entirely down to you and might involve a health practitioner's input depending on your BMI and existing health conditions.
While Orlistat can be very effective, it also comes with a lot of side effects and may need to be prescribed in some cases.
However, If you’re looking for a weight loss pill with proven results and no side effects, PhenQ is the answer. No prescription or restriction on how long you can take them is needed. You can use them to shed the weight you want, then continue to take them until you reach your weight loss goal and after that to help maintain your goal body weight.
PhenQ is a high-quality formula produced in the US and UK in GMP-approved facilities to facilitate weight loss. It will help stem your food cravings and balance your mood and energy levels to reach your weight loss goal. Taking PhenQ alongside a low-fat diet and regular exercise will set you on the right path to losing weight.