We’re all looking for that “quick-fix” weight loss solution, and you only need to have a quick scout online to see that there are plenty of options to choose from. Here we will discuss the difference between PhenQ Vs Phentermine, evaluating which better supports weight loss.
The reality is that sensible eating habits and regular exercise go a long way to achieving those goals, but could there be some help along the way too…
The big brand names in the weight-loss pill industry seem to center around two main elements- fat burning and suppress appetite. When these factors are in harmony, it’s a double-whammy for fat and a huge step forward for those looking to lose weight, especially over a relatively short time.
Two weight loss pills that you might have come across include Phentermine and PhenQ.
Although you’d be forgiven for thinking these two are related, they are entirely different compounds - with the only real similarity being in the results (weight loss).
However in reality they fall into two different categories or weight loss supplements, with one being a prescription medication (phentermine) and the other all natural weight loss aid.
If you want to lose weight it can be consusing figuring out if prescription or over-the-counter supplements are the way to go.
Is Phenq Phentermine? This blog is an in-depth and honest look at the differences between PhenQ vs. Phentermine - so you know which is best for your weight loss goals.
What is Phentermine?
Phentermine is a psychostimulant drug which has been used as an appetite suppressant since 1959.

It’s a class of prescription-only medications called anorectics, that stimulates the nervous system to increase your heart rate and suppress your appetite.
It’s main ingredient phentermine hydrochloride is similar to amphetamines and is available
under brand names in the US such as Adipex-P and Suprenza.
It works in three ways:
Phentermine stimulates the neurons in your brain to release a type of neurotransmitter called catecholamines (including dopamine and norepinephrine).
- These catecholamines work to stop hunger signals, diminishing your appetite.
- So, when your body tells you you’re hungry, your brain doesn’t get the message.
In essence you “trick” the body into feeling less hungry - resulting in a reduced intake of appetite and food, which can lead to weight loss.
The pill is usually subscribed for a short-term only (around 12 weeks) and is available by prescription only to those who need to lose weight for conditions such as diabetes or high cholesterol levels.
It is usually prescribed as part of a suggested diet and exercise plan to help it along.
Related content: Your complete guide to Phentermine
What is PhenQ?
Phen-Q is a brand of weight management product, with 100% safe and natural ingredients, designed to aid weight loss in five different ways:

- Helps to trim fat
- Reduces fat accumulation
- Reducing food training
- Boosting energy
- Balances mood
What ingredients does PhenQ contain?
So does PhenQ contain phentermine? Although the names suggests that the two might be related it’s important to note that PhenQ does NOT contain phentermine. It consists of purely natural ingredients, and as such is not a pharmaceutical product that requires prescription.
The main active ingredient is a-Lacys Reset, a non-essential amino acid for making protein and promoting metabolic functions. This patented ingredient triggers the fat-trimming element, which assists in weight loss.
It also includes Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), which breaks down carbohydrates to produce energy (great for burning calories), aswell as capsimax powder, caffeine and l-carnitine fumarate (often found in nuts and vegetables).
These ingredients together can help to reduce appetite, boost metabolism, mood and energy levels.
For a full list of ingredients please see here.
So, let’s look at the difference between these two weight-loss pills, to help you figure out which one might be right for you.
Phentermine vs. PhenQ: do you need a prescription?
Diet pills usually fall into two categories, prescription and over-the-counter, which is one of the main differences between Phentermine and PhenQ.
Phentermine: do you need a prescription?
Phentermine is a prescription weight loss drug that has to be administered by a health professional. Therefore there are some restrictions on who can be prescribed it and this will be down to your physician to decide.
In order to be prescribed Phentermine you usually have to have a BMI over 30. If you have a weight-related health condition your doctor might prescribe you Phentermine to help aid weight loss.
PhenQ: do you need a prescription?
On the other hand, PhenQ is an over-the-counter weight management solution filled with natural ingredients such as capsimax powder, caffeine and l-carnitine fumarate (often found in nuts and vegetables).
You do not need a prescription for it (although if you have any health concerns, we do recommend checking with a Doctor before taking it).
Ingredients round-upPhentermine needs a prescription from a health-care provider, whereas PhenQ is available to buy exclusively from PhenQ.com. |
Phentermine vs. PhenQ: what are the side effects?
For many people, the worry with taking anything that promotes weight loss is that there will be adverse side effects.
Phentermine: are there any side effects?
Phentermine is a controlled substance for a reason, it has a very similar structure to te stimulant amphetamine.
As a result there are som common adverse reactions to phentermine including:
- Increased or irregular heartbeat heart rate
- Chest pain
- Headaches
- Tingling or prickling feeling in hands or feet
- Dry mouth
- High blood pressure
- Insomnia
- Nervousness
- Constipation

It’s also not recommended if you have a medical condition such as heart disease, high blood pressure, an overactive thyroid gland or glaucoma or if you are pregnant or breast feeding.
Needless to say, there are plenty of potential side effects, as with many medications.
However, as it is only available on prescription these side effects should be discussed with you by you physician to ensure that it is safe for you to take.
PhenQ: are there any side effects?
In comparison, PhenQ users have reported no significant side effects when taking PhenQ. This is most likely due to the fact that PhenQ uses all-natural ingredients.
Ps. this blog does not constitute professional health advice, and you should consut your own Physician if you have any health concerns at all.
Side effects round-upPhentermine is chemically similar to amphetamine, and has side effects to match. PhenQ is vegan, and natural, so has no known side effects. |
Phentermine vs PhenQ: are they safe to take?
Another thing to consider alongside the side effects are the long term health concerns, especially with products that claim to support weight loss.
Yes, there are health conditions associated with being overweight, however what you don’t want to do is impact your long-term health as a result of using weight loss products.
Not all weight management products are created equal, and there is a difference between medications (ie. prescription) vs. over the counter and natural supplements and te element of safety does come into play here.
Phentermine: is it safe?
Phentermine was initially introduced as a weight loss drug in the 1950s, and was blended with both fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine - and marketed as Fen-Phen.
In 1997 fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine were taked off the market due to health concerns in Fen-Phen. Although phentermine as a substance wasn’t withdrawn, it is a controlled substance due to it’s similarity to stimulant amphetamine.
Phentermine is not recommended for people with heart disease, high blood pressure, an overactive thyroid gland or glaucoma. A 2021 study by the obesity society also recorded that, it increased the risk of nervous system-related adverse events.
However, as discussed, it is prescribed, so it’s something that your Physician should discuss with you before prescribing to ensure it’s safe for you to take.
PhenQ: is it safe?
In comparison, PhenQ contains all natural ingredients, that would be consumed under normal circumstances e.g. caffeine. Therefore, it’s unlikely that it will cause any long-term health issues.
Related content: Are diet pills safe to use?
Safety round-upPhenQ is prescription only, so a physician will determine if it is safe for you to take. PhenQ is all natural and available over the counter. |
Phentermine vs PhenQ: how long can you take them for?
Sustainable weight loss is the best, and healthiest way to lose weight - and although losing weight fast might be tempting - it also might not last.
However, some types of weight management solution, can only be used for a certain period of time.
PhenQ: how long can you take them?
A prescription of Phentermine will last only a limited time for safety reasons. Most health providers will prescirbe 12-weeks of Phentermine. However, it can be used as a longer-course depending on the circumstances.
PhenQ: how long can you take them?
In comparison, PhenQ is safe to use over a long period of time which means you can continue to use it until you have achieved your weight loss goal. Once you have reached your weight loss goal you can safely continue taking PhenQ to help you maintain your new weight.
Related content: The best sustainable weight loss diets accroding to nutritionists
How long can you take them for?PhenQ is usually prescribed as a short-term solution (ie. 12 weeks) PhenQ is safe to take as a long-term solution during and after weight loss. |
Phentermine vs PhenQ: which is more effective?
If weight loss is something that you want to attain, then you are going to be concerned about how effectively each are.
A healthy and sustainable rate of weight loss is considered to be 2lbs per week - so which can help you obtain this?
Phentermine Diet Pill: is it effective?
There’s no denying that phentermine can suppress the appetite, potentially leading to weight loss in conjunction with proper diet and physical exercise.
Research has reported that phentermine may increase weight loss by a pound per week, with the highest rate in the first few weeks. And the JAMA Network analysed 28 clinical trials, studying nearly 30,000 overweight adults and found that 75% of participants taking phentermine achieved at least 5% weight loss, compared to those not taking it.
The fact that it can be prescribed by doctors and has gone through scientific testing is confirmation that it does work- at least for some people- although it may not be the significant weight loss some are hoping for.

In addition to being prescribed phentermine, users are typically told to exercise and reduce their calorie intake (which is made easier by the appetite suppressant). Without lifestyle modifications it is unlikely that anyone will see significant changes in weight.
PhenQ Diet Pill: is it effective?
In comparison, PhenQ can aid appetite suppression by keeping you feeling full for longer, and stimulating calorie burning.
In one placebo-controlled study individuals who were given the main active ingredient in PhenQ (α-Lacys Reset®) experienced better weight loss efforts, more energy, improved recovery after exercise, and a noticeably lesser appetite than the placebo group.
You can check out some of the testimonials we have here, which demonstrate how it has aided the weight loss journey of some of it’s users.
Related content: Who will PhenQ NOT help lose weight?
Effectiveness round-upPhentermine does help you lose weight, and in controlled studies show that those taking phentermine have a higher weight loss % than those that don’t. PhenQ has also been shown to be effective. |
Phentermine vs PhenQ - Which is best for your weight loss journey?
The first thing to note is that while they sound similar in name and aim to aid weight loss, they are both very different products with different ingredients and medical standings.
And so, which one is right for you is going to be very person to your circumstances and goals.
And ultimately it will be down to your physician on whether you can be prescribed a drug to aid weight loss.
If you are not eligible for a prescription for Phentermine, then PhenQ can help you manage and sustain your weight.
It also has a few benefits over a medication such as Phetermine including:
- There are no known side effects with PhenQ- the potential side effects of phentermine are well documented e.g., increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, dry mouth, abnormal heartbeat, headaches etc.
- No prescription is needed for PhenQ, while withphentermine, you’ll need to get the green light from your physician, then follow a strict exercise and diet regime.
- PhenQ can be taken over a longer period unlike phentermine- which is for short-term use only (usually up to 12 weeks only). So, rather than drop a few pounds, you can keep taking it until you reach your weight-loss goal.
Ultimately you need to figure out which one meets your needs best, but its likely that unless prescribed that PhenQ will be the better option for you.
As with all weight-loss programs, you should use PhenQ in conjunction with sensible eating choices and regular exercise for maximum effect in helping the pounds fall off.
Getting the body you want is just a click away. Discover the power of PhenQ weight loss pills today. Or why not try our new Meal Replacement Shakes, available is delicious flavours and unique formula that encourages fat burn.
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