What you'll learn here |
There's no two ways about it—losing weight isn't the world's easiest process. When it comes to dropping the pounds, there are so many variables to consider and no end of curveballs just waiting to derail your efforts.
But, armed with the right mindset, you will lose weight consistently and achieve your dream body sooner than you think.
It may sound like a fleeting buzzword, but manifesting can help you reach your weight loss goals.
Yes, with a little manifestation, you can set yourself on a sustainable path to weight loss success and shed the excess weight you've been holding onto for far too long.
Intrigued? Great. Here we're going to tell you all you need to know about manifesting weight loss and flooding your life with positivity, both spiritually and practically.
Let's begin.
What is manifesting?
In simple terms, manifesting is based on the idea that your thoughts and beliefs will shape your reality.
By flooding your mind with positive thoughts and beliefs, you can adopt a mindset that will empower you to achieve your goals—weight loss is no exception.
To reach your desired weight in a way that is healthy and sustainable, making the right choices consistently is essential. That's where the power of manifestation comes into play.
When you set weight loss goals, you can harness the power of manifesting to achieve your desired outcome. Naturally, you have to put in the work to achieve your dream body and feel good—but by learning how to manifest weight loss—you'll stick to your plans with confidence.
Manifesting means bidding farewell to any limiting beliefs and knowing that you can do this. It means learning how to hone in on positive energy and stay focused. It means being patient with yourself and celebrating the small wins. It means reaching your weight loss goals on your terms. You've got this.
Top tip: Check out our guide on unleashing the power of mindfulness to help you on your weight loss journey.
Why is mindset important for weight loss?
One of the main reasons that mindset is so important for weight loss is sticking power.
A positive mind will give you the mental tools you need to avoid the likes of yo-yo dieting while adopting healthy lifestyle habits that will get you where you need to be.
What you do now will—to some degree—have an impact on your future self. So, adopt a positive mindset now, and you'll reap no end of rewards a little later down the line.
The power of positive thinking
Did you know? There's a genuine link between positive thinking and better weight loss results. Yes, the power of positive thinking is, well...real.
This may sound whimsical, but it's a far more practical concept than you might think. When it comes to manifesting weight loss, having the self-belief that you can get to where you want to be will empower you to...
- Brush off the 'bad days' and prevent them from defeating you
- Celebrate the small wins consistently
- Feel more confident in your exercise or training efforts
- Stay motivated and enjoy your weight loss journey enough to stick with it
Bidding goodbye to negative energy
Negative self-talk and pessimism will only result in the limiting belief that you cannot stick to your exercise routine or healthy eating plan. It will also lead you down the path of constant self-criticism on the days when you move a little less or indulge a little more.
Manifesting for weight loss is all about bidding goodbye to negative energy and saying hello to self-love. We're going to tell you how to manifest weight loss in a moment through the power of positive thinking, but first, here's a little mantra for your inspiration...
Weight loss manifestation = progress, happiness, movement & motivation
“Manifestation occurs when you align your mindset, belief system, and actions with your desired reality.”—Lisa Nichols, Abundance Now
How to manifest for weight loss: Our top tips & tricks
Now you're up to speed with the power of positive thought and its vital role in losing weight with confidence; we're going to put theory into action by exploring a mix of manifestation techniques that will help you on your journey.
Decide what you want from your weight loss journey
To manifest weight loss the right way, you need to decide exactly what you want from your journey and the results you want to see.
Shedding the pounds and reaching a target weight is a given—so be as specific as you can. The more thoughtful and detailed you can be when manifesting, the better because you'll set yourself on the right path from the outset.
Everyone is different, and your manifestation journey is personal to you. Don't compare—simply visualize what you want and need.
Here are a few ideas for your inspiration...
- I want to lose two pounds per week until I reach my ideal weight
- I want to try a new activity or form of exercise I can keep up
- I want to get into healthier eating habits and try new recipes
- I want to fit into some of my favorite old clothes
- I want to be more energized throughout the day
- I want to feel good about myself, inside out
Create your vision board
Okay, when we say create your vision board, we don't mean creating collages of pin-thin celebrities or influencers and asking the universe to do the work for you. No, we mean putting together something visual to give you the motivation and inspiration you need to succeed.
By creating a vision board that includes your main goals (as detailed above) as well as visuals of the activities you want to try and the looks you're trying to achieve, you'll have a 'manifestation HQ' that you can refer to when you need it most.
You can tailor your mood board to your exact needs or preferences and even throw a few weight loss affirmations into the mix for added positivity—which brings us to our next point.
Flood yourself with positive weight loss affirmations
With your manifestation goals and mood board ready to rock, you should aim to flood yourself with positive affirmations every single day.
But what are positive affirmations, exactly? Well positive affirmations are statements or phrases designed to challenge negative beliefs.
They're statements of positivity that will help you manifest weight loss with confidence by helping you believe in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals.
All you need to do is pick a positive weight loss affirmation in the morning, repeat it as many times as you see fit, and...believe.
A quick web search will help you connect with no end of powerful affirmations—you can even write some yourself (we know you can do it!)—and here are some of our favorites to get you started...
"I’m making the right choices with my health in mind."
"Being active fuels my body."
"I feel good about myself."
"I am not impulsive; the power is in my hands."
"I choose to eat food that’s good for my body."
"I'm determined to reach my goals. I will reach my goals."
"The number on the scale doesn’t define who I am."
"I am strong. I am patient. I will go the distance (and beyond)."
Find your 'feel good' factor
Fueled by your positive thoughts and affirmations, to manifest weight loss, you need to find what makes you feel good and weave it into your everyday existence.
There are so many ways to find your 'feel good'—from cookery and gardening to hiking, exercise classes—and beyond. The point is to keep a steady stream of positivity flowing through your life. And, even the smallest of things can make a huge difference in the long run.
Here are a few areas where you might find your 'feel good' factor.
When you're trying to manifest weight loss and reach your ideal weight, support is everything. Remember, manifesting is all about feeling positive and believing that your goals are within reach.
If you ever have a down day or you need a little boost to get you back on track, seeking solace in a community is the way to go.
Getting together with like-minded fitness lovers, weight loss warriors or cherished loved ones will make you feel good in body, mind and soul. And when you feel on top of the world, the results will follow.
So, find a little time every week to join a fitness group, hit an exercise class, go for a walk with a loved one, grab a coffee with a friend...basically anything where you feel you'll benefit from the power of connection.
Did you know? Several studies suggest that participating in mindfulness results in better, more sustainable weight loss outcomes.
Practicing regularly, a little mindfulness will make you feel amazing. And the best thing is—you can do it anywhere.
Carving out a mere 15 minutes a day to practice mindfulness will flood your mind and body with positivity, boosting your motivation to the max. Simple mindfulness activities and techniques are also brilliant for busting stress and maintaining mental resilience when you need it most.
Here are a few 'feel good' mindfulness activities for your consideration...
- Go for a daily walk and engage your senses. Be present and notice everything around you
- Play the 'five senses' game
- Try a little meditation or controlled breathing each evening or morning
- Indulge in a spot of yoga or pilates session
- Do a spot of mindful coloring or drawing
- Brave the cold and take a Wim Hod-style shower once a day!
Read: Our guide on unleashing the power of mindfulness to reach your weight loss goals. You've got this!
Healthy treats
When trying to reach their ideal weight, so many people fall into the trap of restricting themselves of anything that they consider a 'treat'. This mindset can result in self-loathing, negativity, and limiting beliefs that stunt progress.
Be kind to yourself and enjoy the odd slice of cake, takeaway or tipple. The aim here is to strike the right balance. It's about trusting yourself, believing you can reach your goals, and making small yet sustainable lifestyle tweaks that will get you where you want to be.
Make sure you enjoy a few indulgences every week and find happiness in 'healthy treat' activities like trying tasty new recipes that nourish your body or giving yourself time for a little pampering.
A 'healthy treat' is anything that makes you feel good and that you can weave into your newfound healthy, balanced lifestyle. So, choose your treats and leave the guilt behind.
Reframing your thoughts around weight loss...
Rather than being rigid about losing weight and following a restrictive eating plan or fad diet, it's all about maintaining those positive feelings while getting into healthy habits that suit your lifestyle.
Eat a little less, move a little more, do the things that make you feel good, rest when you can...and you'll start shedding the pounds in no time. We believe in you.
Top tip: Follow our guide on sneaky ways to burn calories throughout the day for healthy tips to help you reach your weight loss goals with confidence.
More positive affirmations for your inspiration...
We're nearly there. You're almost ready to get out there and start manifesting. To help you on your way, here are some bonus weight loss affirmations for your spirit-boosting inspiration...
"I let go of pressure and stress related to losing weight."
"I have everything it takes to reach my goals."
"It does not matter what other people say or do. What matters is how I choose to react and what I choose to believe about myself."
"I like creating healthy habits that I will use throughout my life."
Manifesting weight loss: final thoughts...
“The universe conspires with those who dare to manifest their desires.”—Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
Manifesting, at its core, is about feeling healthy in body and mind. It's based on self-love and personal belief.
Once you start manifesting your aims and start taking measures to achieve them, you will reach a healthy weight. More than that, you will learn to believe in yourself and, as such, enhance your life in so many ways.
With the right mindset and a balanced mix of healthy lifestyle habits, you can keep negative feelings at bay once and for all. Driven by positivity, you will change your life—and your world—for the better.
At PhenQ, we believe in empowering people to level up their lifestyles and reach their weight loss goals in a way that works for them. We exist to empower people to feel good about themselves and tap into the power of community. We're big advocates of manifesting weight loss—and we're with you every step of the way.
We wish you the best of luck on your manifestation journey, and if you need some extra inspiration, check out our ever-growing library of go-getting lifestyle guides.