Taking the first step in a weight loss journey can be daunting, especially with so much advice out there to take in and potentially confuse you.
There are plenty of fad diets, weight loss hacks, and false prophets around who will give you their ‘expert’ advice on what your body weight should be and how to achieve "significant weight loss".
But the golden rule remains: “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is”. And it’s something that should be at the forefront of your mind at all times.
The most effective weight loss strategies are the ones that have stood the test of time and will promote good mental and physical health at all times.
To lose weight safely, you must do it sensibly. Weight management involves adopting healthy eating habits, increasing your physical activity, and changing your lifestyle.
Adopting healthy dietary strategies combined with increased physical activity is the foundation of all successful weight loss methods.
Long-term weight loss (the healthy kind) and maintenance are all about positive behavior modification.
So, how do you make those permanent changes to help you lose weight? Consider following these tried-and-tested keys to successful weight loss.
6 Steps to Weight Loss Success
There are several key strategies for successful weight loss. Effective weight loss techniques are those that have been shown to work.
If you want to lose weight and go the distance, you must consider all of the following proven weight loss strategies.
Let’s take a look.
1. Prepare yourself
Yes, you need to know the basics of weight loss. But before you can put them into practice, you need to be aware of what is in store for you on your weight loss journey.
The questions you must ask yourself before you take on a weight loss regimen include…
- Do I have the discipline to see it through?
- Do I have support in place for when things get tough?
- Can I resist the urge to snack?
- Can I change my eating habits?
- Am I motivated enough?
It’s not all doom and gloom. A weight loss journey can be fun, too, as you take on new activities, and the pleasure you’ll get from seeing the weight come off will be well worth the effort.
But it’s essential that you prepare yourself for the challenging times so you’re ready for them and know how to act.
Maintaining weight loss is all about self-discipline, and if you can master it, your weight loss plan will go much more smoothly. Long-term weight loss takes time, effort, and a real commitment—but it will be well worth facing the challenge.
Preparing yourself means you'll find it easier to manage your weight loss plans, stay committed, and change habits.
Read: Manifesting Weight Loss: Tips And Tricks To Help You On Your Journey
2. Set realistic goals
We’d all like to lose weight healthily and quickly, but the fact is that your body needs time to adapt to your lifestyle changes.
One of the best strategies for effective weight loss is to be patient. If you can accept that, you’ll have a much better chance of successful weight loss.
So, what’s a realistic goal?
A sensible, healthy goal is around one or two pounds of weight loss per week. This means you’ll need to burn up to 1,000 more calories per day than you consume.
How long you continue the weight loss is up to you. But we’d suggest setting a “goal weight” which you feel comfortable with, rather than going to extremes.
One of the best weight loss maintenance strategies is to take it one step at a time. You must set a long-term goal. But to achieve weight loss goals, you must concentrate on the daily and weekly process, particularly the calorie deficit.
One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to overreach from the outset. Keep things realistic, healthy, and sensible, and you’ll stay on the right track.
3. Stay motivated
The initial rush of excitement when you decide to adopt weight loss tactics can gradually diminish as the journey progresses, especially during tough times.
You’ll be spurred on when the pounds start to drop. But it can be tough to avoid those extra tasty treats sometimes, which can threaten to derail the process.
It’s essential at these times that you stay strong and motivated. The odd “bad choice” here and there won’t be a huge disruptor. But a series of high-calorie snacks can send you the wrong way entirely.
Your weight loss goals and the reason you've decided to take on a weight maintenance program will be personal to you. But let's have a quick look at just some of the benefits of losing weight…
- Lower blood pressure
- A more comfortable body mass index
- Decreased risk of heart disease
- Better Metabolic Function
- Lower blood sugar, improved insulin resistance, and less risk of type 2 diabetes
- Reduced Joint Stress and better mobility
- Improved mood, cognitive performance, and self-esteem
- Better sleep quality
- Lower risk of depression
- More energy and stamina
- Lower risk of certain cancers
- Improved sexual function
- Better immunity
So, as you can see, losing weight comes with a treasure trove of health benefits.
Keep the buzz going by monitoring your progress on a chart that is clearly visible to you on a daily basis.
One of the best places to pin this is on the wall right in front of your bed. This way, you’ll be able to see it as soon as you wake up and will be eager to keep the journey going.
Reward yourself at various stages of the journey to keep the motivation going. The treat doesn’t need to be calorie-filled. No, it can be a night out or a trip to a place you enjoy visiting. It’s important to pat yourself on the back from time to time. You should be proud of yourself.
Making a list of the reasons you want to lose weight is also a good idea. Whether it’s better health, improved self-esteem, or for an upcoming holiday, keep your motivation going.
If you can find a support group, or have a friend who is taking a similar weight loss journey, it’s a great idea to team up and support one another. Now and again you will need a lift, and someone on the same route as you is the perfect motivational choice.
Read: Manifesting Weight Loss: Tips And Tricks To Help You On Your Journey
4. Make better food choices
The food you eat should be one of your main focuses when managing your body weight. Choosing healthy foods and maintaining a balanced diet that will lower your calorie intake is essential for weight control, but the hardest part is adopting the new habit and making it stick.
A good idea is to think about the low-calorie alternatives of the food that you enjoy eating. This will make it easier when it comes to reducing how many calories you consume.
One of the best ways to lower your calorie intake is to look at your favorite vegetarian options. Not only are fruit and vegetables nutrient-dense foods, but they’ll also make you feel fuller without packing in excess calories.
Swapping your usual food choices for a lower-calorie option is a good place to start. For example…
- Greek yogurt instead of sour cream
- Whole grains instead of refined grains
- Low-sugar options instead of high-sugar
- Fruit instead of sugary fruit juice
- Low-calorie variants of your favorite foods
- Dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate
- Lean meat instead of fatty meat
- Popcorn instead of potato chips
Choosing a similar but lower-calorie alternative to your favorite foods is a great way to move forward in your weight loss regimens.
Another way to make a simple and convenient change is to introduce a low-calorie meal shake into your meal plan. This will give you the nutrients you need to keep you going, without the additional calories. It also saves on meal prep! The PhenQ meal shake replaces 1 full meal each day and helps to shed pounds naturally, as well as boosting your energy levels and controlling cravings.
Read: How To Stay Healthy While Losing Body Fat
5. Find a physical activity you love
Physical activity is essential for burning calories for sustainable weight loss, but it can be made so much easier if you find an exercise you enjoy.
The more you see exercise as a chore, the harder it will be to stay motivated and see the journey through to the end.
Anything from walking to lifting weights will benefit your weight loss efforts, but it’s not just about burning calories.
Exercise is also great for boosting your mood, which will help to keep you in a positive mindset. It has numerous body-boosting health benefits, such as…
- Lower blood pressure
- Less risk of cardiovascular diseases
- Reduced risk of health issues such as type 2 diabetes
- Stronger bones and muscles
- Improved mood and cognitive function
- Better energy levels
If you’re serious about weight loss and maintenance, it’s important to find an exercise you enjoy
Be creative with movement. Try to walk instead of using methods of transport. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Any additional movement you can throw into the mix will burn additional calories.
Read: 4 Ways To Fall Back in Love With Exercise
6. Manage your stress levels
Making sudden changes to your lifestyle, even small ones can have a big impact on your levels of stress. So it’s essential that you learn to manage them to stay on course.
Managing stress through relaxation techniques, exercise, and social support will help you avoid stress-related overeating and keep your mindset positive.
Meditation is a great way to reset your mind and stay focused on the task at hand, and getting a decent eight hours of sleep each night will help your concentration and ability to make the right food choices.
Try to manage your time better. This will not only help to keep your stress levels down but also prevent you from picking up high-calorie food on the go when you’re in a hurry.
Read: How To Reduce Stress (And Feel Healthier)
Weight Loss Success Tips
There are no “weight loss secrets”. The formula for losing weight remains the same as it always has: Your calories in must be less than calories out.
Any successful weight reduction plans will have the same dietary and behavioral strategies behind them.
Your weight loss solutions begin with a change in your lifestyle. The most effective slimming techniques have stood the test of time, and they all involve feeling good and making healthy choices.
If you want to achieve a healthy weight loss, you must focus on the best ways to lose weight. These include…
- Eating fewer calories from a healthy diet containing nutrient-dense foods
- Watching your total calorie intake
- Staying motivated
- Adopting positive lifestyle habits
- Finding an exercise you love and being more physically active
- Setting realistic goals
- Preparing yourself for the journey ahead
- Managing your stress levels
You can do this!
The weight loss journey starts and ends with you. If you’ve decided to lose weight, you’ve already taken a major step forward. Prepare yourself for the journey ahead, and enjoy the rewards it brings!
PhenQ is the perfect companion to make your weight loss journey a lot less bumpy. It’s an all-in-one pill which will help to burn stored fat, suppress your appetite, block fat production, and improve your mood and energy.
What is the best method for losing weight?
Adopting a calorie-controlled diet alongside regular exercise will get you the best results for weight loss.
Keeping your weight loss journey healthy and sustainable will enable you to work with your body to lose weight successfully.
What are some common pitfalls to avoid during weight loss?
Some of the most common stumbling blocks to weight loss are…
- Trying to lose weight too quickly
- Losing focus and straying from the plan
- Snacking on high-calorie foods
- Setting unrealistic goals
- Switching from a sustainable weight loss plan to a fad diet
What are some effective dietary strategies for weight loss?
Some of the most effective dietary strategies for weight loss include…
- Increase your physical activity. Do what makes you happy!
- Decrease your calorie consumption
- Stay hydrated by drinking water, especially before meals to make you feel fuller
- Eat more fiber from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to promote fullness
- Practice mindful eating habits and keep a food diary
- Get at least eight hours sleep each night