6 Weight Loss Quotes

6 Motivational Weight Loss Sayings To Help You On Your Journey

8 min read


16 Jan 2018

Things you’ll learn…

  1. Getting started – A quote for your new diet
  2. Plan of action – A motivational quote to help kick-start your weight loss journey
  3. Sweat it off – An exercise weight loss quote
  4. Stay positive – A weight loss affirmation quote
  5. Don’t give up – a quote for when the going gets tough
  6. Respect yourself- A self-love quote
  7. Some healthy weight loss tips to help your journey

Losing weight isn’t easy, and we all need a bit of ‘thinspiration’ sometimes. It's a battle of body and mind—and it's the latter that can be the deciding factor as to whether a weight loss plan is successful.

Keeping yourself motivated is an essential part of weight loss, and there will be times when things don't seem to be going to plan. 

This is usually the turning point, the part where you have to be especially strong to continue with healthier lifestyle habits that will make a sustainable change.

No weight loss success story ever came easily. And getting to your ideal weight will require plenty of positive weight loss affirmations along the way. 

Preparing your subconscious mind for setbacks along the way and realizing that it won't always be smooth sailing along the way is essential. Getting past these stumbling blocks is what will make the difference between success and failure.

Feeling healthy is one of the best feelings in the world—and this should be at the forefront of your mind throughout. 

The feel-good factor of where you'll be at the end of your journey should be motivation enough to keep going. Adopting positive lifestyle changes, and healthy habits to achieve your weight loss goals comes with a heap of health benefits, including…

  • A lower risk of heart disease
  • A lower blood pressure
  • A great feeling of vibrant health
  • A greater ability to handle stress
  • A better sleep
  • A better self-esteem
  • A reduced risk of illnesses associated with being overweight

Learning to love yourself—and believe in yourself is an important part of weight loss. So let's look at some sayings and weight loss affirmations that can help to spur you on and get you over those difficult moments.

Getting started – A quote for your new diet

“A year from now, you will wish you started today.”

There's no time like the present to start. But one of the hardest parts of a weight loss journey is deciding when. 

Telling yourself that you'll start "after the weekend" is one of the most popular blockers. Everything looks so much easier if you picture it in the future—but there's one important thing to remember if you find yourself putting it off until another day: You'll be exactly the same person tomorrow as you are today.

In other words, you'll still have the same doubts, and the same dreams of kick-starting your journey, but it's not going to happen if you don't motivate yourself into action.

Picture yourself a year from today, and how proud you'll be of yourself that you made the decision to start now.

Read: Manifesting Weight Loss: Tips And Tricks To Help You On Your Journey

Plan of action – A motivational quote to help kick-start your weight loss journey

“Food satisfies you for a minute. Being fit satisfies you for life.”

There's no denying the buzz you get from eating tasty treats, But if you're serious about weight loss, it's important to eat healthy foods and consume high-calorie snacks in moderation. 

Remember to eat foods that will satisfy your hunger without packing on empty calories that will cause you to gain weight. Whole foods will satisfy your hunger more than processed, sugary foods, and making the right choices can often be a spur-of-the-moment decision.

Give yourself some positive affirmations for weight loss by reminding yourself how well you're doing. 

Don't ditch your weight loss plans for small moments of weakness. Getting to your desired weight will be a lot more satisfying than a high-calorie snack.

Sweat it off – An exercise weight loss quote

Exercise class

“Willpower is a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets.”

Positive thoughts can be hard to find when you're struggling. But once you get into a daily routine of increasing the amount of physical activity in your daily life, it will become easier. That doesn't mean there won't be times when you're struggling with exercise and you need to remind yourself of the positive changes you're making.

Willpower can be your best friend, whether it's in the gym or in the kitchen, and the good news is, the more you use it, the easier it gets. 

Willpower is essential when it comes to finishing your daily exercise on a day when you don't quite feel up to it. It's also important when it comes to making the right food choices.

If you want to shift excess weight, experience better health, and get to your goal weight—it's essential that you stay mentally strong and harness the power of willpower.

Stay positive – A weight loss affirmation quote

“Food is fuel. Not therapy.”

Making healthy choices can be challenging to do, especially when you're trying to lose weight. Often we reach for comfort food rather than a healthy food choice when we feel low and in need of a pickup.

In these moments of weakness, it's important to remember that the food you're eating should be helping you to achieve your weight loss target rather than hindering it. 

This doesn't mean that you're not allowed treats along the way but remember to work those calories off by using them to fuel your next exercise.

One of the most important weight loss affirmations is to remind yourself that food is a positive thing. Many people see it as the enemy of weight loss, but that's far from the case. 

You need essential nutrients to function properly both mentally and physically, but if you get into the habit of making the right healthy food choices, you'll enjoy the process a whole lot more.

Don’t give up – A quote for when the going gets tough

“Don’t give up what you want most for what you want now.”

No goal worth achieving ever comes easily and often we can feel like just giving up on our journey when things don’t go as well as expected. Sometimes you might feel like eating those high-calorie snacks, or not going for your daily exercise because it seems the easiest option.  Try to fight these temptations whenever you can—and think of how proud you’ll be when you finally get to your weight loss goal.

There will be tough times during your weight loss journey, but there will also be great times too. As long as you can balance it out and ride the storm when it comes, you’ll come through the other side. 

Respect yourself- A self-love quote

"Fall in love with taking care of yourself."

It’s not always easy, especially when you’re trying to lose weight, but loving yourself is a huge part of weight loss. 

Be proud of everything you’re doing, and don’t be too hard on yourself when you slip up. The fact that you've decided to improve your health by reducing your weight is something you should be proud of. 

Celebrate the wins, but don't be too hard on yourself when things don't go as well as you thought they might. 

Positive thinking and positive statements to yourself will help you to feel good about yourself and the journey you are making.

Some healthy weight loss tips to help your journey

Woman measuring waist


Keeping yourself motivated is a huge benefit to any health campaign. But there are plenty of other things you can do to make sure you're headed in the right direction.

Adopt healthy eating habits

If you want to get to your ideal weight, it's important to consume plenty of whole foods, such as lean protein, healthy carbs, and healthy fats to ensure you're getting all the nutrients you need to stay healthy. Steer clear of processed and sugary foods to ensure you are maintaining your optimal health.

Drink more water

A great trick for losing weight is drinking water. For example, if you drink a glass or two of water before a meal, you'll find you eat less as your stomach will feel fuller.

Move a little more

You may not love exercising, but physical activity is essential if you want to burn extra calories. 

Exercising regularly will get you to your weight loss goals more quickly, and will also be beneficial to your health and wellbeing. Choose an exercise you enjoy, to give yourself the best chance of burning those calories on a regular basis.

Realistic goals

Setting unrealistic goals will likely cause your diet to come to an abrupt halt. Making small changes can make a big difference to your health. 

Take it one step at a time, and so long as you're heading in the right direction, you're doing great. Your body can react adversely to sudden changes in your routine, so small, gradual changes are the way forward.

Stay consistent

Once you get used to the changes you're making, they'll become part of your regular, daily routines. Staying the distance means staying strong and consistent with the healthy habits you're adopting.

Release stress

Stress can be a big disrupter when you're trying to get to your weight loss goals. Deep breathing exercises and meditation are great for calming the body and mind. Try to set some time aside each day for yourself to take your foot off the pedal.

Beware of the fad diets

Some weight loss programs can claim that you will lose weight quickly, but do they have scientific research behind them? 

How many have stood the test of time? Losing weight sensibly is the best way, as it will allow your body to adapt to the changes being made without any serious adverse reactions to your health.

You’ve got this…

Positive affirmations are a great way to help you towards your ideal weight. Weight loss affirmations can get you through some of the trickiest times during your journey as they can become ingrained in your subconscious mind. 

One of the most important things to remember is to learn to love yourself. Be proud of the journey you're taking, and the healthy changes you're making for your body and mind.

Check out why exercise is essential to improving your mental health.
