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Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) has been used to promote skin care, and even to enhance cognitive function, but if you dig deep enough, you’ll also notice some claims that it also aids weight loss.
So what is the truth behind the weight loss claims? Is DMAE the real deal, or just another product that makes promises it can’t keep?
What is DMAE?
Before we get into the benefits (weight loss and otherwise), let’s dive into what DMAE actually is.
Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE), is a compound that has been used for various purposes, including memory enhancement, skin health, and to help people lose weight.
Its often used in lotions, creams, skincare products, and dietary supplements. But its reputation appears to have been built largely on potential benefits rather than scientific evidence.
DMAE is an organic compound that is produced naturally in the body and can also be found in fatty fish like salmon. It is said to work by increasing the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter crucial for brain functions like memory, energy, and concentration.
But is it all just hype, or is DMAE the real deal?
Let’s take a closer look…
What are the benefits of DMAE?
There are several healthcare claims regarding DMAE, including…
- It helps with cognitive function: There’s a suggestion that it may support memory loss, and dementia, but more studies are needed before it can be conclusively proved.
- It has an anti-aging effect on the skin: A 2009 study showed that DMAE may help to hydrate the skin and improve lines and wrinkles.
- It gives you a better athletic performance: There is a theory that DMAE may help improve energy in conjunction with other supplements, though there is no scientific research to back this up.
- It helps to relax you: Some studies from several decades ago found evidence that DMAE helped reduce hyperactivity, and had a calming effect, though there have been no studies since to back it up.
- It can enhance your mood. DMAE has been studied to see if it can help improve depression and general mood and there were encouraging results in the 1970s though no studies appear to have been undertaken since.
How do you use DMAE?
DMAE comes in either capsule or powdered form, which you can take orally, or as a serum which can be used on the skin.
As there are limited studies as to its benefits and side effects, it’s essential that you follow the correct dosage and instructions.
What are the weight loss benefits of DMAE?
There have been claims that DMAE can aid weight loss, so let’s examine exactly why that might be. When looking at weight loss solutions, it’s important to look at the science rather than the hype. Buzz and hype can make you believe anything, but there’s no arguing with scientific facts.
So, what are the weight loss claims of DMAE?
DMAE has been associated with various benefits, including potential weight loss effects on overweight individuals.
While the direct link between DMAE and weight loss is not entirely clear, some studies suggest that DMAE may indirectly aid in weight loss by boosting choline production, which is known to support weight management.
There’s also a theory that it can give you an energy boost, but again there are no solid scientific studies to back this up.
Many more studies are needed to show a direct correlation between the use of DMAE and weight loss. It’s simply not compelling enough.
Before considering DMAE supplementation for weight loss or other benefits, it’s a good idea to consult a medical professional due to the potential side effects.
What are the side effects of DMAE?
Given the lack of research surrounding DMAE and how it works; there are growing concerns that it may trigger a range of side effects. One study found that it can cause a pathological reaction to skin cells.
Other side effects that have already been connected to DMAE include…- High blood pressure
- Stomach aches
- Bloating
- Insomnia
- Headaches
- Muscle tension
- Drowsiness, confusion
- Irritability
It’s also recommended that you don’t take DMAE if you’re pregnant, as it may cause neural tube defects.
Plus, anyone with bipolar disorder, manic depression, or epilepsy is advised not to use it due to its mood-altering effects.
With a long list of potential side effects and no clear scientific studies to suggest that it directly helps with weight loss, are there better ways to lose weight? We think so.
Alternative weight loss techniques
If you’re looking to lose weight, DMAE might not be the answer. The results are inconclusive, and the side effects are plentiful.
So what can you do? The good news is, there’s a whole lot you can do. A healthy weight can be achieved if you are prepared to make some small changes to your lifestyle. Successful weight loss will require you to stay motivated and look after your overall health.
Read: 5 ways to keep your weight loss motivation fire burning
Make small changes to what you eat
The word “diet” often sends shudders down our spines as we picture ourselves going hungry for weeks to lose weight, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
Did you know, making even the tiniest changes to your eating habits can make a big difference?
Yes, it's important to be aware of how many calories you're consuming, but it's also essential to look after your overall health.
Mindful eating means using proven strategies to move you towards a healthy weight. Just a nudge in the right direction can be all you need.
Make some food swaps
It’s a fact that healthy foods are essential if you want to lose weight and stay healthy, so ditching even the odd “bad choice” now and then is a step in the right direction.
Swapping snacks for fruits and vegetables is one of the best choices for losing weight as they are high in water, nutrients, and fiber. These natural goodies have a low energy density making it possible for you to eat large servings whilst consuming fewer calories.
Yogurts, olive oil, whole grains, white rice, whole fruits, nuts, carrots, and hard-boiled eggs are all great snacks that you can eat while you’re on the go, without giving you loads of unnecessary calories.
Make a healthy eating plan
We all know that losing weight means ditching bad habits, and a healthy eating plan will nudge you in the right direction. Writing a list of your main meals each week in advance is a good habit that will aid your weight loss journey.
Try to avoid processed foods as they’ll be harder to digest and will add unnecessary calories.
Whole foods and lean meat such as poultry are packed with protein which will help to improve your metabolism and burn more calories.
A high-protein diet can boost your metabolism by 80 to 100 calories a day while helping to reduce your appetite and make you feel fuller.
Read: Marginal gains theory: How to make small improvements in your weight loss journey
Drink plenty of water
Some of the best weight loss tips are often the simplest. Regularly drinking water can help with weight loss and weight management.
Often what we mistake for hunger is us feeling thirsty, so it’s important to stay well hydrated.
Drinking 500ml of water can increase your calorie burn by 24 to 30% for an hour afterwards, while drinking a glass of water before a meal can help to reduce your calorie intake as you’ll get fuller faster.
Water could become your new best friend! Aim to drink 10 to 12 glasses of water a day to stay hydrated and keep those hunger pangs at bay.
Read: Does drinking water help you lose weight?
Take natural supplements
Worried about the huge choice of supplements out there? We’ve got you covered! The best supplements to take are formulated from herbs and natural ingredients, which means the risk of side effects will be low, and they can give your body the boost it needs to burn fat and feel more energized.
PhenQ, for example, is currently one of the most effective natural supplements on the market.
Why? Well, because it can help you to burn stored fat; suppress your appetite, and block fat production.
Read: The science behind weight loss supplements
Avoid liquid calories
It’s all too easy to down a fizzy drink before or after a workout, but the fact is soft drinks, some fruit juices, and energy drinks all contain calories that can add to your daily intake without you even realizing it. Beware the drinks with added sugars if you want to stay on track! The odd one is fine, just try not to make drinking sugary drinks after a workout a habit.
Read: Is diet soda good for weight loss?
Use smaller plates
Psychology plays a huge part in the weight loss process. Your willpower will depend very much on how you think you’re doing, and a smaller plate, which gives the impression of a larger meal, is surprisingly effective.
Try it! It can help you to control portion sizes and prevent overeating.
Read: Top tips for better portion control for weight loss
Eat more slowly
We’ve all been there, and we get it: Dieting can make you feel super-hungry at times, and you can’t wait to get your next meal into your system as soon as you can.
Slow down there! Eating too quickly can mean you run the risk of eating too much before your body realizes it’s full. Try to chew more slowly so you enjoy the food more and avoid overeating.
Read: How to stop overeating
Get plenty of sleep
Did you know? Sleep is very important for weight loss because those who are sleep-deprived are 55% more likely to make the wrong food choices.
This is due to sleep deprivation disrupting your daily fluctuations in appetite hormones, causing you to feel hungry more often. Sleep well and eat well.
Read: 9 tips to improve sleep quality
Move a little more
Let’s get moving! One of the most important components of any weight loss plan is regular physical activity—the more you move about, the more calories you burn.
Cardio and high-intensity interval training are both great ways to boost your metabolism, increase calorie burn, and encourage fat loss.
Physical activity for just 20 minutes each day can make a huge difference. Regular physical activity is essential for losing weight and feeling good.
Read: 4 ways to fall back in love with exercise
DMAE or natural methods of weight loss?
Let’s face it, the evidence supporting DMAE's effects on weight loss is paper thin. While some studies suggest DMAE may improve weight loss by increasing energy levels, there is not enough consistent evidence to suggest it will help you lose weight.
So what’s the better option?
A better way of losing weight is through a safe, natural, and proven process, which will give you a sustainable weight loss…
- Adopt healthy eating habits
- Avoid fad diets
- Drink water regularly
- Make lifestyle changes
- Use smaller meal plates
- Get plenty of sleep
- Avoid sugary beverages and sugary foods
- Eat more slowly
- Set yourself realistic goals
- Eating a balanced diet
- Participate in more physical activity
- Take a natural supplement
Changing your lifestyle, eating a balanced diet, and staying active more often will be a huge step toward your long-term weight loss goals.
For added support, you can try incorporating a high-quality, proven natural supplement into your regime.
Check out PhenQ vs traditional weight loss methods.